Nhill Air Show 2019
Date: Saturday, November 02, 2019 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Categories: Yearly
Location: Nhill Aviation Heritage Centre
Please Note Change of Date to November 2nd 2019
The Nhill Aviation Heritage Centre will celebrate the centenary of aviation in Nhill, with a spectacular Airshow on Saturday November 2nd, 2019 . The estimated crowd of 5,000 people will be treated to non-stop displays of aerobatics, sky diving, and vintage aircraft manoeuvres. A range of recreational and wartime aircraft will be flying in, and a DC3 will bring passengers from Melbourne for an overnight stay. Vintage cars, military vehicles , a community market, fashion parade and food stalls, along with flight simulators, photographic displays, joy flights and children's activities will all add to the festival atmosphere for this centenary celebration.
Location Nhill Aerodrome
Entry Costs
$30 adults
$70 family
$20 pension /student cardholders
$10 children (17 yrs and under)
Free to children under 5yrs
$30 adults
$70 family
$20 pension /student cardholders
$10 children (17 yrs and under)
Free to children under 5yrs
Contact Phone: 0490 657 770
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Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.