Nhill Monthly Book Fair
Date: Saturday, November 07, 2020 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Categories: Monthly
Location: Old Nursery Building Victoria St Nhill
We have received a large number of children’s books, well worth a look, at 50 cents a book they are a bargain.
If you have books they can be brought in Saturday morning or left under the carport at 44 Queen Street or ring Kay on 0428 512 730
I will take in some more iris plants for the keen gardeners, many different colours. Looking forward to seeing you on Saturday.
Nhill Book Fair
Open on 1st Saturday of each Month 10am to 4pm
Old Nursery Building, Next to Lowana Cottage Crafts 44-46 Victoria St Nhill
All Books just $1.00 each
Donations of books welcome
Kay Scott on 0428 512 730